
Sunday, 30 November 2014

The Nutcracker

The music of the nutcracker at the Michigan Opera Theatre was blaring in my ears (I was in the Orchestra Pit). I was seated in the orchestra pit of the Michigan Opera Theatre waiting for my cue. I was singing in the orchestra pit at the end of Act 1 but I was in the orchestra pit for the whole 1st act. I never knew when the symbol would CRASH!! and the bell would BONG!! Then at the end of act 1(finally), the Michigan Opera Theatre Children's Chorus (MOTCC) and I ( I was part of the MOTCC) went up to the front of the orchestra pit and started singing. Then, after that was the intermission. The MOTCC and I went up to the balcony sort of level of the 1st floor. We started singing again, but these were different songs. The lyrics were:
1 (We Gather Here Together): "We gather here together with joyful heart and mind. We raise our voices ever our distant souls to bind. To remember in this moment our friendship, love and joy, that music made together may one day heal mankind. (x2)

2 (2 French Noels): "Willie, bring your finest drum, Robin take your flute and come, play a joyful song of praise, tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan, play a joyful song of praise on this wondrous day of days. Noel nuve let, noel chantons ici. De vote jean, crions adieu merci. Chantons noel, por lu roi nuve let, chantons noel, por lu roi nuve let. Noel nuve let , noel chantons ici. Long ago on Christmas morn, when the holy child was born, sheapards from the fields did come, tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pat-a-pan, shepards from the fields did come, playing on their pipe and drum. Noel nuve let, noel chantons ici. De vote jean, crions adieu merci. Chantons noel, por lu roi nuve let. Chantons noel, por lu roi nuve let, noel nuve let, noel chantons ici. So tis fitting on this day that on instruments we play, like the humble shepard men, tu-re-lu-re-lu, pat-a-pa-a-pan, like the humble shepard men who were there in Bethlehem. Tu-re-lu-re-lu, Noel chantons noel. Pat-a-pat-a-pan, noel chantons noel.

3(Sleigh Ride): Lyrics to weird to show.

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